First Graders Classifying Instruments

The ability to classify items into families by similarities is considered a higher order thinking skill.  Being able to justify (explain) how instruments or objects are grouped together is also aligned with the core curriculum in our students classes.  First graders were given a variety of percussion instruments and three different colored hula hoops.  They were asked to put like instruments together in the same hula hoop.   Students were given time to explore the instruments and talk with their friends while they decided where to put them (no help from the teacher and no criteria).  They way in which they grouped the instruments was decided entirely by the the students!  Then we had a short discussion about why they chose to group the instruments together this way.  When all was done we picked up our instruments and played a fun follow the leader game using the instrument groups (now called families) that they had created.

Salamanca Market – Mrs. Lee’s 5th Grade

A fun orff song with a recorder part!  After learning all the parts the students arranged this song into their own unique form. I especially enjoyed the part where they decided to perform only the body percussion without any singing or instruments.  You can actually hear the song in their movements!