Rocky Mount Music at Atlanta Gladiators!

Please join us on Friday Feb. 8 to support the Rocky Mount Music Program and enjoy a performance by the Roadrunner Chorus at the Atlanta Gladiators Hockey Game.  The game starts 7:30pm.  Tickets can be ordered using the flyer below.  We must sell 100 tickets in order to raise money for the program.


Recorders Have Begun!

It’s always an exciting time when recorders begin!  Students walk into my room smiling and eager to unpack their recorders for the first time 🙂  Here’s a quick recap of what our first week of recorder.


3rd GRADE – We learned our recorder posture, air support, and tonguing.  Once secure, we played a game to learn how to control our air properly and not squeak.  At the end of class, we learned the fingerings for notes B – A – G and started practicing patterns with those notes.  Next week we will open our recorder books and start learning music with our note-reading skills.

4th GRADE  / 5th GRADE – We reviewed our recorder posture, air support, and tonguing.  We reviewed the correct process for how to learn a song using printed music in our books:

  • identify important symbols:  repeat signs, time signature, barlines, etc.
  • read and clap rhythm notes
  • identify and say pitch letters (remember to keep the same rhythm as before)
  • finger speak your letters (hold the recorder and say the letters while fingering the notes)
  • play with whisper wind and gentle tonguing

We review the above steps on “Hot Cross Buns” a student favorite, then repeated the process for an entirely new song:  Au Claire De La Lune (5th grade) /  Go To Sleep (4th Grade).