Music Class This Week

I like to give a brief summary of what is going on in music class each week so you can talk to your children about it and also have insight into what we do in our class.  Sometimes I included photos or videos to help you see inside the class as well!

KINDERGARTEN –  Every year I am amazed at how fast our kindergarten students learn! Our classes are already echoing properly and developing a singing voice.  We exploring different ways to move to music and we even met my helper “Chompy” (a fun puppet who sometimes visits music class).

1st GRADE – We told the story “Goldilocks and The Three Bears” using orff instruments this week.  Each group of instruments played a part in the story.  We reviewed our mallet technique and used the story to practice and develop that technique.

2nd GRADE – We are working on two things this week: 1) Playing 2-3 note melodic patterns  2) Learning the music and choreography for our October musical.  Letters about the musical went home this week.  Below is a video from one of our second grade classes performing a rotation game at the instruments to help them develop their technique while playing 2-3 note patterns on the instruments.


3rd GRADE – We reviewed our mallet technique and how to perform ostinati while someone else performs a melody.  The students played a similar rotation game as 2nd grade, just with a different song.  Rotation games are a great way to develop technique and also let every student play every instrument.  Then we learned the folk song “Rig A Jig Jig” and the play party game to go along with it.

4th & 5th GRADE – We reviewed our instrument procedures and how to improvise through the fun song “Listen To The Instruments.”  Students had to improvise on different instruments to the rhythm of spoken text.  The song also reviews and develops the concept of Rondo Form (ABACA) in music.  Then these students moved to a circle formation and learned two different folk dances:  Noone in the House (4th grade – American Folk Song);  Four White Horses (5th Grade –  song from the US Virgin Islands).

Welcome Back To School


Welcome back to school for a new and exciting year of making music at Rocky Mount!  Remember to check back weekly on Fridays for updates about what is happening in music class, photos, videos, and other important information.   This week I want to let everyone know about the CLASS CONTEST in music!

WHAT IS THE CLASS CONTEST?  Students earn points in music class for doing a good job at anything:  singing, playing instruments, good behavior, being helpful, and much more! At the end of class I tally up the points and add them to the scoreboard in the hallway.

WHAT CAN THEY WIN? At the end of each semester (December / May) I total up the points and the class with the most in each grade level wins a movie party with a special treat during music class.

BONUS POINTS? Students can earn bonus points for their class by doing the following:

  • 5 POINTS – turn in a photo or a program showing themselves performing in a recital, concert, play, dance competition, or musical.
  • 2 POINTS – turn in a program or ticket stub from a concert, play, or other performance that they attended as an audience member
  • ***Write student name and teacher on all submissions.  Put them in the box outside my door.